Cyber Threats


The Threat Landscape has changed. You are now the target.

The cyber security threat landscape has transformed recently.  Every business, regardless of its size, is now a potential target for cybercriminals.

The rise of remote working and cloud adoption has expanded the attack surface, particularly for smaller organisations. Furthermore, cyberattack tools have become cheaper and easier to use, lowering the barrier to entry, making it easier for smaller targets to fall victim to attack. As a consequence, businesses must place a premium on robust cyber security measures to protect their data, their clients and to maintain operational continuity.

We build you a multi-tiered defence.

By implementing multiple layers of security measures, organisations can effectively mitigate risks and protect sensitive data from the tactics of cybercriminals.


24/7 monitoring, Malware Protection, Managed Firewall, Spam Protection, 3 Stage Backups, O365 Backup, DNS Filtering, Web Protection.





Basic + Regular Data Restore checks, Disaster Recovery Playbook, Endpoint Detection and Response, Phishing Protection, Staff Testing and Training, Hot Backups