Networks without compromise.

It’s a testament to the expertise and service of WhySettle that we at Adams Whyte Solicitors have relied on their first-class IT support for well over a decade. Friendly, knowledgeable and responsive, Paul and his team can always be relied on to deliver solutions which are swift, smart and effective. WhySettle’s support in ensuring that our IT infrastructure runs smoothly and securely, is very much a central part of how we as a legal firm across the network of our three offices are able to commit to delivering first-class service and results to the many clients who rely on us for help

Gerry BannAdams Whyte Solicitors, Livingston

Why Settle have been a key partner of EYCO for over 27 years, providing IT support, cloud, IT security and software development to the business. We’ve been grateful for the advice they have provided to us over that time and for their deep understanding of our business needs. It’s comforting that in such a fast-moving environment, we have a Partner who will allow us to stay ahead of trends and threats in this area.

Ian Whelan, senior partnerEYCO, Edinburgh and Glasgow

We have working with Why Settle for over 12 years as the provider of our IT Services including IT Support, Cloud and Security. They also provide Telephone Support and Hardware when required. We have always found them to be extremely efficient and helpful. We would recommend them to anyone without hesitation. Paul and his team are a credit to the IT profession providing services in a friendly and efficient manner at all times.

George Duff, partnerCameron Pinkerton, Paisley

Culverwell have worked with Why Settle for 27 years during which time they have provided IT support, cloud, IT security and software development. We have a good relationship with the Why Settle staff who are responsive, friendly and helpful and we are very happy with the service they provide.

Alex Culverwell, senior partner,Culverwell, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Why Settle have supported us with IT support services and cloud and IT security services since 2003. They are without doubt experts in their field, and we know that we will be given practical advice which is easy to understand and a great service.

Ann Oliver, partnerInnes Johnston Solicitors, Fife

We do the legal stuff and trust Why Settle to do the IT stuff! For the past decade, Why Settle have become our essential business partner who keep our operations ticking, with first class IT support, cloud storage and security services. Why Settle are a dedicated team who actually care about keeping our business safe and our IT operational, providing us with great peace of mind that our IT is in safe hands.

Alastair Dale, senior partnerDales Solicitors, Ayrshire

Nothing is more important than our client’s information. Anything less than the very best will not do, Why Settle are miles ahead of anyone else in Scotland. They inspire real confidence.

Andrew Thomson, senior partnerMacGregor Thomson, Stirling.

Why, Why Settle

Managing your computer network and IT investment is not just about keeping things running, that’s only where it begins.  Today it is just as important to protect your data from security risks and be able to adapt to changing user requirements.

Our clients work as lawyers, property professionals, or in other services, but, to some extent, their backoffice operations look like tech businesses, who depend on safe and reliable use of IT resources.  That’s where we become useful.

For the most part, we deal with straightforward support issues: PC performance, connection issues, home working and Microsoft 365 changes, but it gets interesting too.

We take security seriously.  Some of the most resourceful businesses in the world have been hacked, so we can never be complacent, but there are clear and obvious practices that take care of 99% of threats.  If someone is going to hack you, make them work hard.

Keep everything up to date, monitor constantly and ask the hard questions.  When things go wrong, there are usually ref flags that were ignored.

Our environment changes so quickly.  What was good advice a year ago can be acutely out of date now.  How best to setup your email to make sure you have the lowest chance of a hack is an example of this.  As recently as 2022, Multifactor Authentication was regarded as sufficient, today, we know better.

You will not speak to a call handler at Why Settle.  Average staff service period is currently 13 years.  You deal with experienced and skilled people, who are at the top of their profession.

“We have worked with Why Settle for over 10 years and the team are always very helpful, friendly and efficient.”

Hamilton Park Racecourse- Google Review (2019)

Some of the ways we can help you

IT Support

Whilst a good quality old network may be stable, it may also be slowing down your productivity. Let us come in and do the monitoring to keep you running in that sweet spot.


Being ripped off by your current hosting provider? We can help. We also develop, create and maintan many of our own clients websites.

Cyber Security

Office WiFI old, slow or patchy? We use the latest WiFI technologies from trusted companies, pontoons, event venue's, indoor and outdoor - we've done it.

Cyber Essentials

We currently provide Voip to multiple clients, our platform brings added flexibility allowing you to work wherever you are, via the app out and about or physical handset in the office.

We're not always at our desks - occasionally we're allowed out to play

Enough talk, lets see how we can help you