
Why Settle Blog Design

By February 4, 2011No Comments

I’ve been working on the new WhySettle web site today. We went with a WordPress based site and I have to say that I have been impressed with both the WordPress software and the community surrounding it. I had heard of WordPress in the past but knew of it really as a blogging platform. I was completely unaware of it’s ability to run a general purpose web site. Paul, however had experience of using it on a private blog and he brought up the possibility of using it for our new web site. We investigated some of the sites using it and the variety of layouts possible and decided to give it a go.

We had a short timescale to get the new web site in place so we took a short cut by using an already available theme. The availability of a wide selection of themes is one of the greatest features of WordPress and after trying a couple of others we used one from themeforest. A days work and we had the layout pretty much sorted. All we need now is good content on a regular basis. I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.

Why Settle

The Building Design Centre 125 Muir Street Hamilton ML3 6BJ

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