
Office 365 mailbox size doubles

By September 2, 2013No Comments

Microsoft have announced that Office 365 and Exchange Online users are to have their standard mailbox size doubled from 25GB to 50GB, just days after announcing SkyDrive Pro (which works with either SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013) standard capacity to 25GB.

The moves sees the Microsoft bundle leap ahead of the (apparently) competitive Google Apps offering.

We don’t really see much of a competitive push from Google Apps for Office 365 (only a few clients use it, none overly impressed) but it’s clear that Microsoft are alert to the threat Google poses, which is a good thing. Office 365 ticks lots of boxes but there are still clear functional improvements to be made, in particular with SkyDrive Pro. Without Google lurking, the Office 365 roadmap would be less inspiring.

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